I met with the consultant today at around 6pm and it was great. I am so excited about my locks that I can barely wait the almost two weeks that it will take for her to be able finally do the installation. As it turned out I went to elementary school with my consultant and I felt an instant bond with her.
She sat me down and showed me the book with the different styles and discussed the optimal size. She said that since my hair was natural it would hold well and would probably lock in months. Its paying off to be nappy. In the little time that we were discussing the process she did 16 samples. My only concern is that the parts aren't straight and though I like the size of the locs think that the parts should be smaller. Maybe I'm just nit picking... see for yourself.
I'm already in love with my hair. I set up the appointment for the installation on Sunday, March 30th. Because I have such a small head she said that it would only take one day! Yeah.... More to come.